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deadftp-0.1.3 has been released. Download it from the download page. Contains
many improvements over the previous version so check it out.
A pre-release of the next version of deadftp has been released. It can be downloaded on the download page. It contains many improvements and bug fixes. Test it out and report any bugs so that the final release can be
released soon, hopefully in a week.
To aid in the development of the next release of deadftp a survey has been
created with various questions on the current version. If you have a minute
and have used the most recent version of deadftp please help out by filling
out the survey. You can reach the survey at
Thank you in advance for your responses.
Thanks to Laurent Luyckx there is now a debian for deadftp-0.1.2. Check the
download page to get a copy. Also thanks
to Aubin Paul who has volunteered to maintain the debian packages for DeadFTP.
deadftp-0.1.2 has been released. Download it from the download page or you can check out the screenshots.
released deadftp-0.1.1, it can be found on the download page as usual.
Still no debians.
released deadftp-0.1.0, it can be found on the download page as usual.
Still no debians though.
deadftp-0.0.9 has been released and can be found on the download page.
Unfortunately, my debian box has died so there ar no debian packages available. If you have
debain, feal free to build the package and send it to me.
deadftp-0.0.8 has been released. It can be downloaded from the download page.
A first draft of the DeadFTP Manual has been put up on the Documentation
Screenshots of deadftp-0.0.7 have been put up on the screenshots
Screenshots of deadftp-0.0.6 can now be found on the screenshots
Can be downloaded from download page.
Would like to work on fixing bugs to make a stable release so please report all bugs
to the Bug Tracker
Download from download page. RPMs available
of this release.
Another alpha release. Want to try to get all the bugs out of this release.
Download from download page as usual.
Another alpha release. Download from the download page.
An alpha version has been released, you can get it from the download page.

